How to earn Conquest points with the smallest amount of actual PVP possible

There are lots of reasons you might want to earn Conquest points in Battle for Azeroth. You could be someone who only does the player versus player content and that’s your way of earning gear. You could be after some of the PVP color variations on the seasonal sets — I mean, who doesn’t like repping their faction while also wearing the shiniest new gear? Or you could just be trying to earn enough to get a weekly chest to unlock the Conflict and Strife Azerite Essence. But some people don’t really enjoy PVP. So how can you get Conflict and Strife — or more importantly, those cool transmogs — with doing as little PVP as possible?
Here’s the bad news upfront. Almost all ways to earn Conquest require putting yourself in a situation where PVP could occur. I’ll be talking about ways to avoid it or minimize it, but you’ll have to be open to the possibility that you’ll run into the enemy faction. If you can find a group of people to play with, there’s always strength in numbers. You could consider playing as a Tank or Healer — you’ll kill things slower, but you’ll be a more annoying target for enemy players. I won’t ever try and mess with a Discipline Priest. More often than not they’ll run away — or fight you to a draw.
Supplies for the war effort
Turning on War Mode gives you the easiest options for earning Conquest. To turn it on you’ll have to visit your capital city and click the toggle on your talents page. From there make sure that you’ve selected your PVP talents, they’re some really strong bonuses and can really help you clear content quickly. Now you’ll be able to earn Conquest from every PVP activity!
Start by watching the skies. Supply Drops will start happening randomly in zones that you’re in. Keeping an ear out for the distinctive sound of engines going by overhead will alert you to the presence of one of the Gyrocopter that drop boxes full of presents for you. Checking your map will show you the flight path of the Gyrocopter as it flies across the zone, and somewhere along that path is a chest parachuting to the ground. The first player to reach the box — and complete a short channeling animation on it — will flag that chest for their faction. Anyone can click on it and get their share of the spoils. You’ll earn a rare quality PVP item, some Honor, some Gold, and 50 conquest points!
Boxes will drop in any zone across Zuldazar or Kul Tiras, and even in Nazjatar. The Nazjatar supplies are even preceded by a message from your commander letting you know that one is on its way. You’ll only get Conquest from the first of these supply drops you get each day, so don’t worry too much about hunting multiple every day.
It’s an invasion!
The other benefit to being in War Mode is that now all of the Horde and Alliance invasions will award you Conquest for completing the quests that pop up. You’ll earn 10 points for the standard quests and 15 points for killing the two Elite targets. Netting you 60 conquest for very little work. It’s even possible that you won’t even see the other faction.
Of course that all depends on the shard you find yourself on that day. I’ve seen giant raiding parties some days, and other days it feels very much like a ghost town. Keep your eye out for fancy chests too. Sometimes you’ll be able to find a secret supply chest just sitting on the ground. If you manage to find one in each invasion you’ll even get an achievement!
These invasions will occur every 18 hours. If you keep an eye out for them you should be able to earn the 500 Conquest that you need for the weekly chest pretty quickly. Especially if you’ve also been collecting Conquest from the supply drops.
Islands and Brawls
If you’ve been doing your Island Expeditions, have you considered running the PVP Islands? You’ll always earn some Conquest for finishing the island — win or lose. The better you do the more Conquest you get. Just think of it as a regular island — with a slightly smarter enemy team — and no surprises from Sneaky Pete or Stabby Lottie. Focus on clearing out camps as you come to them, and try and keep your distance from the other team. I’ve had a bunch of PVP islands where we didn’t even run into the enemy team. Plus you get the added chances at pets and mounts!
The bi-weekly brawl is also worth looking into. Some of them are just small tweaks to established maps, like an Eye of the Storm where they turn off gravity. But there are a couple that are quite light on PVP. The Great Pandaren Chili Cookoff has you collecting ingredients, and putting them into a pot. You can spend your time running the ingredients back and forth, or you can choose to guard your pot from the opposing faction. The most fun though is becoming a Virmen and just running interference on the other team’s vegetable runners. You’ll be able to kick the squashes right out of their hands.
But the brawl that you really want to look out for is the Arathi Basin Comp Stomp. It’s your regular game of Arathi Basin, only the entire opposing team is computer players. Blizzard took the same technology that let them make convincing opponents for the Island Expeditions — and added it to Arathi. It plays out pretty well, the computers are smart but not too smart. And while they will somehow manage to interrupt your flag capture at the last possible second, they don’t have the best high level strategizing. It’s my favorite brawl, and a great way to dip your toes into a low-stress battleground.
I’ve found that there can be many players who have War Mode turned on who are just interested in the extra bonus resources that you can earn. Some will do everything in their power to avoid combat. Having played with War Mode turned on since the start of Battle I can tell you that I feel like I’ve definitely come out ahead. But always remember, discretion is the better part of valor. Choose your battles carefully, and you can reap the rewards.
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