Top five quest chains you should do in WoW Classic

Lately, I’ve been leveling a Warrior. This is giving me a chance to revisit older zones. As I level, I’ve taken note of what places and quests remind me of leveling back in WoW Classic. There were some great quest lines I’m excited to revisit. I put together a totally subjective list of my “Top Five Not to be Missed” quests you really need to seek out in WoW Classic. I’ll tell you where to find them, a bit about them, and why they are on my list.
1. Darrowshire
When talking about “best quests ever,” this one always gets mentioned. It tells the story of Pamela Redpath, her father Joseph, and the town of Darrowshire in Eastern Plaguelands. You’ll not be able to get this quest until you’re level 50 and you go to the graveyard near Chillwind Point in Western Plaguelands. You don’t need a group to complete most of the quests but for the final battle, you will.
Adjacent to the graveyard is a house. There will be a friendly spirit here. This is Marlene Redpath. She begins the tale. You’ll come back to her. You’ll go into Andorhal — to city hall — where you’ll meet Chromie. Andorhal in Classic is filled with undead. You’ll head to Hearthglen, which is NOT the friendly place it is in Battle for Azeroth. And you’ll go to Darrowshire. You’ll do all of this to redeem the spirit of Joseph Redpath.
This was an amazing quest line. Every one of the 11 steps told the story of stalwart defenders betrayed by the Scourge. Cranius’ song shows some of the quest steps. You need to do this chain because redemption arcs tend to be the ones with the most impact. Plan to talk to Marlene once you head to Chillwind Point in Western Plaguelands. You’ll probably gain at least one — if not two —levels completing this.
2. Linken
This quest line was missed by a lot of people while they were in Un’Goro Crater. It takes you all over Kalimdor starting at a wrecked raft along the shore of a small pond in the northeast quarter of Un’Goro. Currently, there’s no pond by the wrecked camp but there was one in WoW Classic. If you never did this quest line, you possibly ran by this camp dozens of times — maybe while fleeing some Devilsaur. Examine the raft, find the quest item, and then follow the trail. There will be side quests — as usual — to complete before you get what you’re after, but that’s all part of completion.
You want to do this for the sheer scope of the quest. You’ll need to be level 47 to pick this up. There is a whole boatload of experience received — maybe two to three levels. Be forewarned. Unless you know a Warlock and people willing to summon you to Wintersprings, the furblogs in the tunnel between Felwood and Wintersprings are NOT neutral. I’m also wondering who still has Linken’s Boomerang.
3. Mankrik’s Wife
This is a Horde-only quest. Everyone laughs at it and it’s became something of a running joke. It’s a one-step quest and is usually done when you’re off doing another.
Mankrik will be found at the southern entrance to Crossroads. He will have this quest and another one to kill quilboars. In spite of the joke, the story he tells is quite poignant. He and his wife fought quilboars until they were overwhelmed. He lost sight of her and asks you to find her. The end result is sad but it reminds one — this kind of thing happens a lot in war.
4. Sully Ballou
Speaking of the cost of war, this Alliance-only quest is similar to Linken’s in that, if you didn’t know where to look, you’d never find it. At the base of the broken part of the Thandol Span — Wetlands side — in the water — you’ll see where the pieces of the bridge have come to rest. Under one of the blocks is a waterlogged letter. This letter takes you to Ironforge.
The contents of the letter are similar to the highly publicized letter from Major Sullivan Ballou of the 2nd Rhode Island Regiment, to his wife Sarah before the first Battle of Bull Run in The Civil War. Ballou was wounded in the battle and died of his injuries a week later.
Any Alliance who can get to the Thandol Span between Wetlands and Arathi Highlands can find the letter. This is another one of those poignant moments.
5. Moist Towelettes
I could have sworn there was another quest which had something similar to these as the reward but my search hasn’t found anything. I have included it because this is — next to Mirren’s Drinking Hat — my favorite quest reward. Back in WoW Classic, you got a stack of six. These remove one magic effect — any kind — and they worked well into Wrath of the Lich King. I used my last one on some magic spell in a Wrath dungeon. I’d pay real money to get another stack.
This is Alliance-only and you pick this up in Dustwallow Marsh by rescuing “Stinky” Ignatz from raptors. You can’t get it until you’re in your upper 30s. You’ll find “Stinky” in a north corner of the zone a little northeast of the North Guard Tower. When you turn in his quest, you need to do the two subsequent quests from “Stinky’s” employer. Then, go to The Blue Recluse in Stormwind. Bring your friends. This quest is pure fun and I recommend you add it to your “quests to do” list.
Sorry, Horde. I didn’t play my Tauren much until Wrath of the Lich King so my list is weighted Alliance. Other contenders were the whole Onyxia attunement quest chains and the original Stitches and The Bride from Raven Hill. What Classic quests would be in your “Top Five?”
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