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Discussion > WoWJan 17, 2020 8:00 am CT

Why is Squeakers the best store mount ever?

I cannot even with this little guy. Just look at him. Squeakers the Trickster needs an animated short dedicated to his adventures in Pandaria right now. Right this second. Forget Shadowlands, forget patch 8.3, forget anything else World of Warcraft related. I demand more Squeakers content, and I demand it now. Give him a talking baby Direhorn friend named Stampers and let them have adventures tricking the Mogu and setting kidnapped kids free from the Mantid and liberating grain stores that those dopes at Halfhill were just gonna make into some dumb pastry when it could instead be feeding Squeakers and his friends.

One of his friends will be a Virmen because Squeakers totally gets how they’re just hungry and they just want some carrots so he and Stampers will go and help their Virmen friend Stabbers get the biggest carrot ever and it’ll be great and they’ll be made heroes of the warren for it.

I know, I’m disturbed too. This isn’t like me. But I fell in love with this little guy the second I saw him and I am not even a little bit embarrassed by it. He’s cute beyond my mind’s ability to comprehend it — like, if there were a chibi N’Zoth? Squeakers would be so much cuter than that. But also, he’s got a cool mount special, he looks like the perfect fit for your Gnome or Goblin or Vulpera character, but I’d still ride him on a Tauren or Draenei because I don’t care, he’s just the best little guy.

So, if you love Squeakers too, let’s talk about why. What do you think is just super great about this mount? What do you think it says about future mounts that might come out later? Will we get an Ox mount next year? And I suppose if for some bizarre reason you don’t like Squeakers you could share that, too. But man, don’t be mean to Squeakers.

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