We’re going back to D&D with a special one-shot adventure this week

Update: The game is over, but you can catch the replay on Twitch and it will be up on Soundcloud for podcast listeners soon.
If you missed last month’s Dungeons & Dragons shenanigans, well, you missed a lot. In addition to two one-shots, we also had two adventures of the usual gang of maniacs. Which gang of maniacs? This gang of maniacs.
- Kainehe, a Water Genasi Sorceress — played by Elizabeth Harper
- Mischief, a Tiefling Rogue — played by Anne Stickney
- Fizzl, a Kenku Bard — played by Michael “Mitch” Mitchell
- Mediel, a Dwarf Cleric — played by Deb Montague
- Wilyur Rustspark, a Gnome Mage — played by Joe “Lodur” Perez
- Zellan, an Elven Fighter — played by Cory Taylor
But this week, we’re not going to see those guys, although we’ll have all the usual players, plus a very special guest player in Andrew Powers, who runs and plays D&D a lot himself. So, you may be asking, what will we be doing this Saturday?
Well, over the course of our long, strange trip into D&D adventuring, a lot of backstory has built up. The party has traveled the planes and met other groups of heroes, adventurers who travel the worlds and seemingly fight all sorts of demons and monsters on a scale our heroes just wouldn’t know how to deal with. And one of them seems like she might be Mischief’s mother.
This weekend, we’re going to see an adventure from their point of view, as the Blizzard Watch players step into their characters. We’ll be jumping up a few levels, which means we may finally get some big crazy D&D fights, and more importantly, we may even get some answers to some questions. It’ll be Saturday, May 16 at 2:30 PM CDT on our Twitch channel. I’m ridiculously excited to get to see what the group gets up to this time, and I’m curious to discover what the fallout for my campaign will be when they get all the big hero NPCs killed.
If you want to catch up with our previous adventures (because this week is definitely going back into the lore, so to speak) then fear not — we’ve got a whole host of games on Soundcloud for you to listen to. And here’s the complete list of episodes in case you want to cherry pick for backstory for this week — I recommend starting with Episode 6, as it is the first appearance of the characters the party will be playing this time out.
- The original, and completely inaccurately titled, One-Shot Spectacular
- We’re On A Boat
- Life’s a Beach
- Try not to kill the Kenku, K?
- Curse of the Dice Bot
- A Moo-Ving Conversation
- The Kenku of Chaos
- Here Be Dragons (and Gith and Portals, oh my!)
- The twist you didn’t see coming
- The Curious Case of the Counterspell Conundrum
- A very dramatic doppleganger dilemma
If you’re interested in more of this kind of thing (whether it be D&D or other RPGs — we did two one-shots in April exploring Shadowrun and a Weird West setting and I’d love to run Pathfinder 2 if there was interest) you can always support us on Patreon to make that happen. And please do stop by Twitch this weekend — Saturday, May 16 at 2:30 PM — to listen in as we get as strange as we always do.
I cannot tell you how excited I am to see what they do this time around.
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