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Discussion > WoWMay 26, 2020 8:00 am CT

What Shadowlands changes have made you sit up and take notice?

I’ve played World of Warcraft for a really long time, and yet I still get excited when patch notes come out, or when there’s some datamining that highlights a change I like. As an example, this change for Warriors in the Shadowlands alpha. It’s a small change — Warriors already have Titan’s Grip, that lets them dual-wield 2h weapons, right? So what’s the big deal about them getting the ability to dual-wield one and off-hand weapons?

Well, it basically means a return to the Single-Minded Fury playstyle, which was the original playstyle for Fury Warriors going all the way back to Vanilla WoW.  It’s been gone since Legion due to Artifacts, and so seeing it come back now that we’ll have the new leveling system and you’ll be able to basically skip that content if you want to — well, I won’t pretend I don’t love Titan’s Grip. I absolutely do. When Blizzard introduced the Legion changes, I knew one of the two was going to go away.

I won’t lie, I wanted Titan’s Grip to stick around and Single-Minded Fury to lose out, and I breathed a sigh of relief when it did. And yet, seeing good old fashioned dual-wielding one-handed weapons return to Fury actually brought a smile to this old man’s face.

This is a change that hurts no one — it’s not a nerf and it doesn’t affect players who don’t want to use the playstyle. It just makes players that do enjoy this playstyle happy.

It’s a solid change. Seeing it, I immediately felt happier than I had just before I’d looked at the latest datamining, and I’m really hoping this doesn’t turn out to be just an interim change or an unaccounted variable in the alpha never to actually materialize, because this will make a lot of Warrior players happy.

So now I ask you — has there been anything so far in the Shadowlands alpha that’s made you go woah, they’re doing that so far? Have you gotten excited or satisfied by anything we’ve discovered?

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