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WoWJan 4, 2021 10:00 am CT

Sorry, the Torghast rotation is completely random

Maybe you’re trying to get your Shadowlands legendary item crafted, so you need a specific wing of Torghast to jog the Runecarver’s memory. This may be a problem, as only two wings of Torghast are open each week — okay, and the Twisting Corridors, but those don’t count as they’re not for progression but for cosmetics, pets and a mount — and maybe it seems like the one you need is never up.

Well, according to this interaction with a GM posted to Reddit, you may have a while to wait until your floor is up, as it appears the rotation of open wings is completely random. The GM is very nice about it — even expressing sympathy as their own legendary also requires a wing that has not been available since week one as the rotation has simply not come around to it since. But if you were hoping there was a schedule you could refer to in order to see when the Fracture Chambers or Mort’regar will be back around, sadly, it does not appear to exist.

Now, if you’re basically sitting around and waiting for the Soulforges to open back up so you can craft your legendary, and they just haven’t been back around for a while, that can be a significant problem. Or if you’re like me and you really just don’t ever want to run Mort’regar with its mobs that drop pools of spreading death that never actually go away and the mobs that resurrect when you kill them with 40% health after 30 health — which is really just a lot more than I want to deal with even in a place called the Tower of the Damned — seeing it pop up repeatedly while you just want to finally finish the Upper Reaches and it’s never up, that’s also a problem.

Hopefully Blizzard will take a look and consider a mechanic to limit just how random it can get — perhaps making it so one of the two open wings will become more scheduled, or letting players access an inactive wing if they’re trying to get their legendary made. Right now, we’re just checking every week, cursing that Soulforges aren’t up, and trying again next reset. It’s kind of an unpleasant reminder that RNG can feel less than great.

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