Why isn’t Day of the Dead a bigger holiday in the Shadowlands?

This week sees the return of a small celebration in World of Warcraft, Day of the Dead. This is a couple days of celebrating the deceased in Azeroth and Outland, when people can feel the spirit world drawing closer. This is based on the real world celebration of Day of the Dead, or Día de los Muertos.
Now that our characters, and many notable NPCs have been to the spirit world, and are currently in the Shadowlands working with and revisiting the dead, why isn’t Day of the Dead a huge holiday? Shouldn’t they notice it is the time when the worlds are drifting closer together on the cosmology chart? Wouldn’t some of the Shadowlands residents start heading back over to Azeroth? And does this affect those trapped in the Maw?
If this doesn’t allow spirits to travel back and forth, and just allows the strengthening of spirits on Azeroth — and Outland — to commune with people, can some people leave the Shadowlands, go and speak with them, and tell them not to cross over right now? To not go with the Kyrian, and to just linger on Azeroth until everything can be sorted out.
Also, this holiday, that is all about honoring the dead — why isn’t that a huge deal in the Shadowlands? The whole world, and all the residents, are being honored. It seems like it should be a time to rake in extra Anima, when they are receiving extra attention. At the very least, this should be an extra buff in the Ember Court, as they take advantage of every holiday.
If you were going to make Day of the Dead a Shadowlands holiday, what would you do? Would only some zones celebrate, or is this a realm-wide festival? And do those poor souls in the Maw get in on the merriment?
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