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Discussion > WoWDec 17, 2021 8:00 am CT

How would you feel about a new class for World of Warcraft?

We haven’t had a new class in World of Warcraft since Legion introduced the Demon Hunter. As it stands, the Demon Hunter class only came in with two specs, and did so while borrowing a good deal of the abilities Warlocks had been using like Metamorphosis. It’s a popular class and one that often is very flexible in terms of its utility, I’m not trying to say otherwise — but it debuted in 2016, and it’s going to be 2022 in a couple of weeks. Isn’t it time the next WoW expansion brought us some new hotness?

What with Allied Races in Battle for Azeroth having added a fair amount of new playable races, it feels like classes would be the next option, but what would we get? Could Blizzard go back to the days of original World of Warcraft and create a class for Horde and another class for Alliance? Or perhaps do something akin to Allied Races and make special Horde and Alliance flavored class variants, that are basically classes we already have but with specific themes? Or maybe we could see certain class ideas WoW has never had, like Bards or Runemasters introduced at long last?

At present we have no idea what the whole deal of the next expansion will even be — if we go to another world again, or even to places on Azeroth we’ve never seen before, it’s possible we could meet people with entirely new ideas about magic, combat and faith to introduce new classes or new class options to both factions. Is it time? Does World of Warcraft need another class or should we just call it good and focus on other aspects of the game for the foreseeable future?

I mean, I really would like to see Bards translated into WoW, I’m not gonna lie. I think that would be extremely cool.

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Filed Under: Class, Classes, Expansion

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