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Diablo 4 > DiscussionJul 7, 2023 8:00 am CT

What changes should be made to Diablo 4 after Season 1?

Diablo 3

I have a laundry list of changes I’d like to see made to Diablo 4, varying from game mechanics to lore and story additions. For example, especially in higher level Nightmare dungeons, I simply cannot stand to see the Vampiric Affix, especially when it’s on a mob who had a lot of ranged attacks and/or is very fast. This is because there’s nothing much I can do to stop said mobs from healing nearly to full and turning a simple trash pull into a long slog of an ordeal. Also, a better way in-game to track side quests you’ve missed would be so, so good.

Lore wise, I love the campaign of Diablo 4 so far and I’m very excited to see what comes next, but there are still characters from previous games I’m curious about. What happened to the Enchantress and the Templar from Diablo 3? I know from the Book of Lorath that Westmarch is still an inhabited city, so does that mean we’ll get to see places from older Diablo games like Lut Gholein, Khanduras, or even the Dreadlands? And what about Xiansal, the city literally everyone has been wondering about — are we going there at some point? Heck, we make a lot of use out of the Sightless Eye in Diablo 4, so when do we get to go to Skovos, the island home of the Amazons and the place the Sightless Eye was originally kept?

There’s a lot I’d like to have — more transmog appearances, more story content, another class or two — but while I could sit here and go on and on about what I want, I’d rather know about what you all would like to see. What are you the most curious about? Would you like to see new Paragon boards for each class? Maybe that Blood Knight from Diablo Immortal or the long-gone but hardly forgotten Demon Hunter could return to Sanctuary? What would you like to see happen next in Diablo 4?

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