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Discussion > WoWJul 11, 2023 8:00 am CT

What are you most looking forward to in Dragonflight patch 10.1.5?

Dragonflight patch 10.1.5 arrives this week and with it a whole bunch of new features and updates. Yet I put Garrosh as the header image. Why? Because we finally get a skip in Siege of Orgrimmar! All my plate wearers will be visiting weekly for a shot at the Tusks of Mannoroth shoulders as well as the Kor’kron Juggernaut mount. It’s not that Siege has been hard to clear — it just takes so long to do so even with the assistance of alts to bypass bosses. Now one of my most desired items ever (the mount) is in my reach.

Of course, this happens the same patch we get the first lookalike for the Juggernaut: the Perfected Juggernaut which is purchased with Paracausal Flakes from Time Rifts. Even without the mount I’m pretty excited to partake in the Time Rifts, as they remind me of the Argus Greater Invasion Points, only with lore ties I might actually care about — does anyone even remember the name of the demons in the Invasion Points? — and since it’s “What’s If?” lore it looks pretty interesting.

While I only just got my Evoker to 70 last week, I’m looking forward to giving the new Augmentation spec a try. As the first attempt to make a “support” spec it’ll be interesting to see how they balance it and whether it solos as easily as Devastation does. If successful this could herald the arrival of more support specs — dare I dream we may get Bards in the future?

As with every patch I’m excited for the new lore, and it’ll be interesting to see what the Dawn of the Infinite mega-dungeon leads to. Will Murozond make an appearance, or will Chromie be successful in her desire to change the future? And will there be hints of what’s to come in patch 10.1.7 and 10.2?

What about you? Which of these features in patch 10.1.5 are you most excited for? Do you plan on working towards the “of the Infinite” title? Or are you most interested in raising some Dragon Whelps? And do you plan to roll a Night Elf, Draenei or Tauren Warlock?

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