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Discussion > Warcraft > WoW > WoW ClassicNov 10, 2023 8:00 am CT

How would you feel if Blizzard implemented something like Season of Discovery in modern WoW?

I can’t stop thinking about the Season of Discovery coming to WoW Classic and wondering how it would feel if we saw something similar for the modern game. Imagine a current World of Warcraft server where everyone started at level 1 and then progressed to level 25 or so, and then immediately stopped. All the dungeons and whatnot available in the modern game to a level-25 player (AKA, a lot of dungeons) become 10-person or even flex raids. Why does this make my brain perk up? Why do I think this would be a fun idea?

I’m especially intrigued at the idea of finding drops in those instances that would change your entire spec/class to a new purpose, like a tanking spec for Warlocks or Shaman, or a healing spec for Mages — maybe we could finally get the infamous “yelling people back to life” spec for Warriors? I’ve always loved the idea of a Battle Res spell for Warriors called Get Up, You Lazy Goldbrickers that is basically just the Warrior berating the dead player so effectively that the player realizes, “If I’m dead, why is this hurting my feelings?” and so on. A healing spell named Walk It Off! combined with a damage shield named We Will Fight in the Shade and you’re golden. I would love this.

But I know I’m hardly the entire player base, so I assume there must be a host of reasons why this would be a bad idea, and that’s why I turn to you all. Perhaps you also would like to see this happen, in which case I’ll get validation, and maybe you can already think of a dozen reasons this is a terrible idea, in which case my dreams will have been dashed most expertly. Either way, I get something. So I ask again, what would you all think if modern World of Warcraft received some or all of the ideas from the upcoming Season of Discovery?

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