What’s your favorite video game achievement?

Achievements are everywhere in the games we play now. You’ll get them for doing everything from reaching the first level milestone, to beating the hardest boss on the hardest difficulty, to finding a unique collection or hidden secret. Not all of them are created equally though. Some will always stand out from the pack for a variety of reasons. Maybe the achievement is a reference to your favorite movie or maybe it’s one that you were able to figure out all on your own — no matter the reason for it we all have a favorite!
After thinking about it for not even a second I’m able to figure mine out. During World of Warcaft: Mists of Pandaria if you were able to complete a Challenge Mode dungeon not only at gold, but the fastest on the server you got an extra fancy title… at least until someone else beat your time. This was a cool way to show that you had done something pretty tough, and also encouraged other people to try and take the title from you. Sadly the original selection of titles were removed when the season ended, but they did give anyone who had ever gotten one of them the Mistwalker Feat of Strength and Title.
I’ll never forget the day I got it either. My Shaman helped to fill out a friends Challenge Mode group and we managed to get the Siege of Niuzao Temple finished with a gold medal time! Later that week when it was my usual groups time to tackle that dungeon I was extra prepped to lead them through the dungeon for our gold medals. It was a super smooth run, we were firing on all cylinders, and I was happy that they were about to get another step closer to their Challenge Mode armor sets. As we got Gold everyone was congratulating each other for a super smooth run, until I realised that I’d gotten an achievement too. We were all officially the fastest time on the server and we could be proud to call ourselves Siegebreakers! At least until it was time to head into Warlords of Draenor.
There are other achievements I love, the funny pop-culture ones especially, but none stand out like Mistwalker does. How about you? Do you have an achievement you’ve earned that stands out above the rest? Tell me why!
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