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The QueueApr 9, 2024 12:00 pm CT

The Queue: ow, my eyeball

I hope everyone had a rousing good time staring at the sun yesterday. I know eye sure did!

This is The Queue, where you ask us questions and if we squint at the screen we can probably get through answering.


Late morning Q4tQ: I’m trying to fact check some WoW Alpha news, and I’m striking out. I keep hearing that the Alpha is supposed to start before season 4, but I don’t remember Blizzard saying this and I can’t find anything backing this up. Only thing I find is them saying the Alpha will start before the end of spring, so sometime before June 20th. Am I missing something, or are others jumping on a rumor?

Also we haven’t seen 10.2.7 on the PTR yet, so I feel like we will see that before the Alpha.

The timeline we’ve been talking about comes from the 2024 Roadmap the WoW team published at the start of the year. The War Within‘s Alpha is slated to begin — and overlap a bit — the space between The Pirate Patch and the start of Season 4, which is, you know, now. With the way the graphic itself is, there is a bit of loosey goosey there, where it could start a few weeks after Season 4 starts without being incorrect at all.

I’ll also add that frequently, before there’s a publicly available alpha or beta build, game companies will have a build or two under signed NDA, limited to family, friends, and certain members of the press. I’m not at all saying this is the case with TWW specifically — I’ve dropped out of the loop on the WoW cycles, which we have a ton of people covering, in favor of covering Overwatch more, so I honestly don’t know. But I wouldn’t be shocked if they do meet that prestated Roadmap benchmark, and we just don’t know about it until slightly after the fact.


Q4TQ: What is the worst/most disappointing musical act you’ve seen live?
I’ve mentioned before I’ve seen Green Day live twice and both times I did not enjoy it. Billie Joe wastes an obscene amount of time doing call and response and just generally showboating that IMO it detracts from the music. Like he spends easily 45 minutes of their set doing this. He’ll spend 10 minutes doing this in the middle of a 3 minute song. I get some level of crowd participation but you lose so many great songs to this.

With the notable exception of the Lilith Faire, every time I’ve gone to a festival-type concert, especially the ones that have to build and then strike the stage, the music has been fairly disappointing. The vibes are impeccable, but the acoustics are not. Also, invariably, the acts that I wanted to see aren’t the last-billed headliner, so they tend to kinda phone it in. It’s kinda funny to me how the bands I’ve really enjoyed tended to be middle of the road like that, while the headliners have been the acts with that one big song. I looked up a few of the lineups I’ve seen in the past, and I just have to howl at bands like Puddle of Mudd as the headliners. Remember them?

I’ll also add that most of the musicals I’ve been to see have toured at The Fox have been a little disappointing. The House Skynyrd Built has phenomenal acoustics for ‘wall of sound’ type stuff, and even just rock, but it’s built to reverb, so dialogue bounces around and gets really muddy. I enjoyed seeing Hamilton live but if I didn’t already know all the words I would’ve been SO lost.


Are the servers up yet?

By the time this Queue goes live, they almost certainly will be. Hope you all have a great time storming the castle, or whatever it is you have planned today.

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