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WoWApr 18, 2024 9:00 am CT

All of the dungeons, scenarios, and raids in WoW Remix: Mists of Pandaria

imperial vizier zorlok

One thing Mists of Pandaria offered when it was new was group content by the double handful: scenarios for three people of any spec, 5-player dungeons, and raids in 10, 25, and later completely flexible sizes, as well as LFR and later the introduction of Mythic raids. The great news for WoW Remix: Mists of Pandaria is that almost all of this content is coming back, and you don’t even have to wait to level cap for most of it!

There are still a few unanswered questions — we don’t know what minimum item level for ReMists content will be, if any, and we don’t know if the pre-Siege raids will still be limited to exactly 10 or 25 people. (In fact, the recent PTR for ReMists listed only the 10-person version of raids prior to Siege.) We also aren’t entirely sure about Heroic dungeons: on the PTR, they were listed with the same level requirements as normal dungeons, but this seems likely to allow players into Heroic content before they can reliably complete it.

What we do know is what content is available, and what level you’ll have access to it. A lot of things are well below the level cap, which introduces the possibility of ReMists having “level-up raids” like Season of Discovery.

Also, returning for ReMists are scenarios. These were largely limited to Mists of Pandaria, although the technology has since been repurposed all over World of Warcraft for different purposes. These are PVE content designed for three players of any spec to be able to complete, and often are short and story-based — offering more insight into smaller parts of life in Pandaria.

Here are all of the dungeons, scenarios, and raids coming in WoW Remix: Mists of Pandaria:

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