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Discussion > Warcraft > WoWOct 7, 2024 8:00 am CT

What shelved game feature would you like to see returned?

World of Warcraft has gone through multiple changes every expansion to see what sticks and what doesn’t. Previously we’ve had borrowed power mechanics that made scaling the game into future content difficult (Legion weapons, the legendary cloak, etc.) but sometimes we don’t think about the other features that we’ve lost as we move forward into the future of a shiny new expansion. Today, let’s look back on what we’ve lost and see if there’s anything we could recover in the future.

  • Raid Attunement (Burning Crusade): If you didn’t play WoW during Burning Crusade, you probably don’t know about raid attunement. To put it simply, if you wanted to raid you needed to do an entire series of quests to unlock most raids (Gruul’s Lair and Magtheridon’s Lair did not have one), which took time and a dedicated group to do. Blizzard removed attunements at the end of Burning Crusade as they were something half of the community didn’t care for, which led to Wild Star announcing they’d run with the same idea and had a “12 step attunement” for raiding.
  • Large-scale PVP zones (Wrath of the Lich King/Cataclysm): Introduced in Wrath, Wintergrasp was a large scale PVP zone that went into combat every 2.5 hours. The winning faction would gain access to a raid (Vault of Archavon in Wintergrasp, Baradin Hold in Tol Barad) for the next 2.5 hours until the battle began again.
  • The Farm (Mists of Pandaria): This probably needs no explanation, but Mists brought us the farm, where we could play Harvest Moon within World of Warcraft and grow crops, make friends, and influence doggos.
  • The Garrison (Battle for Azeroth): While not exactly player housing, the Garrison gave every player their own little home base for an entire expansion where they could set up crafting stands, farm materials, and have portals to their expansion capital.
  • Class Halls (Legion): Probably the thing I miss the most, class halls gave each class their own story throughout the expansion leading to a specific title and mount for that class. While this led to some stories that were better than others, it also meant that we saw what the factions could do when it wasn’t just Horde vs. Alliance.
  • Covenants (Shadowlands): While not exactly class halls, covenants allowed for a player choice of who they wanted to side with which had its own storyline, mounts, and weapons/armor. Each covenant’s plot also helped flesh out the entire narrative arc of Shadowlands as well.
  • Torghast (Shadowlands): A repeatable megadungeon with floors upon floors of semi-random enemies, Torghast would reward players with cosmetics and mounts the more you played.

It’s very possible I’ve missed something in the list of things that we have seen and are no longer with us as a current-expansion feature, but these are what come to mind as I think back on the last twenty years of Warcraft.

So I ask you, Watchers — what would you bring back in Midnight with a revamp if you were in charge?

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