Search Results For: Joanna Blueheart
Who would you like to see return to World of Warcraft?
There are various characters who have been important to Warcraft as a whole, and World of Warcraft in particular, that we haven't seen for a while.
What gets you so invested in video games?
I say this as someone who has been playing World of Warcraft since release, who has played every single Diablo game the moment they came out, and who basically has found himself turned into a meme based on my love for specific classes in said games -- but sometimes I wonder why I'm so invested in these games.
What character in WoW do you miss the most?
When we're talking about characters we miss, in World of Warcraft at least, they don't have to be dead.
Who is your favorite ancillary character?
An ancillary character in games like World of Warcraft is one who isn't, say, Thrall or Sylvanas or Jaina -- an NPC who shows up from time to time, maybe just one quest or quest chain.
Know Your Lore: Underutilized Warcraft characters
World of Warcraft has a host of characters, some with massive importance to the story of the game, like King Varian Wrynn or Sylvanas Windrunner, Banshee Queen of the Forsaken.