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Anna Bell

Anna Bell @liopleurodonic — Anna Bell -- and yes that is her real name -- has 2 kids, a degree in English literature, and has been playing video games as long as she can remember. In addition to Blizzard's game she's also into Farm Simulator esports, and romanced Alistair in Dragon Age.

The Queue: My own personal h*ck

We have pantry moths. Word to the wise, pantry moths become moths after being pantry larva. I don’t want to elaborate much more, other than I feel like I should give the Diablo 4 team a guided tour of my kitchen right now, just so they can capture this degree of creeping, disgusting horror. Or maybe Tirion Fordring circa 2006, just for a quick snack.

This is The Queue, where you ask us questions and hopefully you’ll forgive how short some of the answers are today, because I’m googling “how to make homemade flamethrower.”

The Queue: Organization

As the kids go back to school and I have Pumpkin Spice Lattes to give me a little extra motivation, I’ve been putting a lot of effort into sorting out my real life. I have a tendency to create doom boxes to get all this junk out of my face and then forget about them, so the beginning of the school year is a great time to try and sort all that out into a clean slate. No, don’t look at the number of Chrome tabs I have open or my bank. This is fine.

This is The Queue, where you ask us questions and we swear we saw the answer around here a second ago. We’ll find it. Probably.

The Queue: Spooky season?

I’ve always had a tendency to veer toward gothic horror and modern thrillers during the summer. Since I discovered my grocery store already started stocking pumpkin spice coffee creamer, right now it really feels like it’s almost Halloween. It’s a feeling I can really get behind. No, wait… it’s… it’s behind YOU!

This is The Queue, where you ask us questions and we definitely aren’t about to apologize. You should’ve seen your face.

The Queue: Arrrr

My brain tends to work in a weird web, where someone mentions something, which reminds me of a second thing, the mention of which then reminds me of a third thing, and on down the line until suddenly I surface with a reference or comment which seems like a total non-sequitur, but it makes sense to me.

Anyway, pirates.

This is The Queue, where you ask us questions, and did you know Moby Dick was based on a true story? The fate of the Essex was even more brutal than the book suggests. The year was 1819…

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