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Anna Bell

Anna Bell @liopleurodonic — Anna Bell -- and yes that is her real name -- has 2 kids, a degree in English literature, and has been playing video games as long as she can remember. In addition to Blizzard's game she's also into Farm Simulator esports, and romanced Alistair in Dragon Age.

The Queue: Spring Cleaning

I’ve been making a concerted effort to pare down a lot of things in my life lately, especially stuff like baby toys and that ugly tote bag somebody gave me as a gift but is just a little bit too big to be functional. It’s really motivated me to start paring down the amount of crap I’ve hoarded in games over the years, too.

Either fortunately or unfortunately, there’s no way to remove a particularly annoying mount in a fit of pique.

This is The Queue, where you ask us questions and we’ll answer (assuming it sparks joy).

The Queue: Spring, or something like it

It seems to have turned over to springtime for those of us in the northern hemisphere, or at least that’s what all the azaleas would have me believe. I actually hung up the hammock for a little while yesterday — only to notice a telltale yellowish tinge all over the thing. Ah, right. It’s also, therefore, coincidentially, pollen season.

This is The Queue, where you ask us — ACHOO! — questions and we give you the a… give you aaa… ACHOO!

The Queue: In The Blood

Since Matt didn’t give me an earworm yesterday, I was forced to go my own way. In this case, someone reminded me that Hades exists, so I listened to that OST a whole lot. I’m just a sucker for modern electric instruments mixed with a full orchestra, and I’m not at all sorry.

This is The Queue, where you ask us questions and you can run all you like from the place you belong, but it’s always there, it’s in the air, it’s in the blood.

The Queue: Atmospheric storytelling

After last week’s article about survival games, Liz has been working through Subnautica, which made me want to go back through Subnautica. There’s a lot I like about this game, but the way they use atmospheric storytelling to both show you where to go without showing you where to go, while also heightening the utter dread of what could be lurking out there in the water just out of vision, is just freaking brilliant.

This is The Queue, where you ask us questions and we’ll answer from our cushy underwater seabase.

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