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Adam Holisky

Adam Holisky @adamholisky — Adam has been publishing content about World of Warcraft for over seven years. Besides talking about dragons on the internet, he's also an accomplished software developer and enjoys flying around in small planes. He resides in Minneapolis, MN with his wife and two cats.

The Queue: This edition is now about Elder Scrolls VI

There’s an interesting bit of history to share, the single greatest drop in viewership at WoW Insider did not happen the days after a new expansion released and everyone was focused on it, it didn’t happen during some of the less-than-great end game experiences, it happened on one day in November 2011. The day the Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim was released.

Blizzard Watch is going to have a holiday when Elder Scrolls VI releases, and just assume that ya’ll are off in Elsweyr.

Valve just made a massive mistake with Steam, and Blizzard should go in for the kill

This article is an opinion. Valve has decided to essentially allow all content on Steam. It's going to permit everything onto the store except what they decide is illegal or outright trolling. This is troubling for any number of reasons, many of which are obvious: games promoting hate, bigotry, and the moral delinquency that is slowly but surely eating away at western civilization will start to appear. Valve has previously removed these games, and rightly so, but now it's apparently too much of a challenge for them. This is a joke, and Blizzard should move in for the kill.

The Queue: Mondays are fun days

In other life I work in publishing and tech, and Mondays always seem to be a day full of 9am emails and 10am meetings. Can we get a support group going in The Queue today for those of us that have to deal with such Monday things?

I’m honestly surprised there isn’t some virtual therapy or website to commiserate about the horrors that are Monday mornings.

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