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Cory Taylor

Cory Taylor @CoryjTaylor — Cory comes from the Land of Ice and Snow, an avid Blizzard fan he's been hooked since Warcraft 2. He spends his time in Warcraft as a Guardian Druid, and out of Warcraft wishing he could spend 6 months out of the year hibernating.

The Queue: T-minus one week

Can you believe it? We’re just one week away from Halloween! Have you handled all of your spooky business? Are your jack o’lanterns hung by the chimney with care?

Somehow it’s snuck up on me once again. I was so sure that I had so much extra time! At this rate, I will have to start thinking about next year’s Halloween in the middle of June! Or just throw a second Halloween in June, like in Gravity Falls! Summerween has some promise, and I can’t believe it hasn’t caught on.

While I write my local elected officials about starting a new major holiday for the summer, it’s time for — The Queue.

The Queue: Spooky scary skeleton

As Hallows End fast approaches it’s time to break out a costume for my Druid. This year he’s going as a spooky scary skeleton. He’ll send shivers up your spine! This is not today’s Earworm™ as I already used it many (spooky) moons ago.

I wish that it was as easy in real life to find a costume that both fits you, and is something you really enjoy. That also doesn’t cost a lot. Have you seen the prices at some of the Halloween stores out there?! That’s the real source of shivers up your spine.

While I go back and forth on what to dress up as this year, it’s time for — The Queue.

The Queue: Mond-boo

Surprise! The mystery guest writer is just me — fooled you right?

As always the counterpart to Friday’s yays is Monday’s boos. This time of year they just happen to be a little spookier.

While I call someone about this ghost that keeps hanging around, it’s time for — The Queue!

The Queue: Fri-yay!

It’s Friday! Yay! We’re just one short day away from it being October, the best month. Not only does it have Canadian Thanksgiving, and Halloween — but it’s also got my birthday in it! It’s also the start of sweater weather here. I have a lot of sweaters to wear, and I’ve missed them.

While I try and figure out if I can fit more exclamation points into this post, it’s time for — The Queue!!!

The Queue: Enter Sludgefist

Last night my guild managed to kill the Mythic Council of Blood finally. That was the fight we had progressed to back in Shadowlands season one, but we never managed to defeat. We had gotten close a couple of times, but never quite had the oomph to defeat the final council member.

Now though, we’re all over that oomph!

If only we could do as well in Sanctum or Sepulcher. We haven’t managed to get further in the current season than we’d been in their first seasons yet. For Sanctum we’d have to get past Painsmith, and for Sepulcher it might mean Halondrus. Neither of which sounds like y’know, fun times.

While I steel myself for more Sanctum progression tomorrow, it’s time for — The Queue.


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