Cory Taylor
The Queue: Redeemed
We did it! We saved Anduin!
It felt really nice to finally get that fight, he’s definitely the fight in Sepulcher that has caused my guild the most issues on Heroic so far. Although I’m not looking forward to figuring out what new twist the Lords of Dread have for us.
Tonight was a rough raid night though, we had not one, but two(!) sub 1% wipes on Anduin. We got so close and then spent another hour and a half getting back to close and getting the kill. It was almost a super clean kill too, he was at 5% health left, and the first wave of the debuffs was wearing off when someone walked their exploding debuff right over top of the tanks and melee…
If we didn’t have two battle rezzes available I would’ve been writing a much different post right now.
While I try and figure out who blew me up, it’s time for — The Queue.
How much gold was spent in the Sepulcher of the First Ones Race to World First? All of it, apparently!
The Queue: Be chill Anduin
Turns out that the crab didn’t give my guild as much trouble as I thought it would…
Anduin on the other hand. We’ve had a doozy of a pickle of a time managing to not blow ourselves up with the Blasphemy colors. It turns out that it’s really easy to accidentally have one of those go off on the tanks and then it’s time to wipe.
At least it’s really easy to reset the fight by sending everyone into Kingsmourne, so it has kept the repair bill low.
While I try and teach my raiders the difference between light and dark, it’s time for — The Queue.
The mental toll of the Race to World First
The Queue: Movin right along until…
We may not be World First raiders but my guild has been doing pretty well in Sepulcher. We took a bit of a slower start to the tier than usual, spending a little more time in Normal than we normally do to get a few extra tier pieces for people and last night we finally saw some good progress into Heroic. We cleared all the way up through to Halondrus in just three hours, getting first kills on the Prototype Pantheon, Lihuvim, and Xy’mox 2: Portal Boogaloo. We even managed to knock a bunch of time off of our best Dausegne kill. It turns out that getting powerful upgrades like second legendary items and tier set bonuses really helps… go figure!
Then came Halondrus.
While he may not be as tough on Heroic as he is on Mythic, it’s possible that he may take us a few more attempts than the last few bosses…
While I look up some good recipes for crab cakes, it’s time for — The Queue.
Sepulcher of the First Ones Race to World First: Who’s alive, who’s dead, and who’s winning the race
Echo gets the World First kill of the Jailer!
Day 17 of the Race to World First: Zovaal was close to being defeated, until we hit the secret phase
Day 14 of the Race to World First: Echo defeats Rygelon to be the first guild in the world to reach the Jailer
The Queue: I am always ready for a nap ̶o̶n̶ ̶F̶r̶i̶d̶a̶y̶
That’s my secret Liz, I’m always ready for a nap.
While I go and find the best place for a quick snooze, it’s time for — The Queue.