Cory Taylor
Warcraft Rumble is shaking things up in the new year — with bears!
The Queue: Getting over the plague
I’ve had a chest cold for the last few days and boy let me tell you, it’s not all it’s cracked up to be! I’m sniffly and coughy and have taken so very many Halls cough drops that I feel more menthol than man.
But things are on the upswing I think, and I’m sure by this time next week I’ll be feeling better! Or I’ll be dead. One of the two surely.
While I go find more medicine, it’s time for — The Queue!
When does Plunderstorm start in World of Warcraft? For better or worse, the piratical adventure is now live!
The Queue: Wanna go to the waterpark?
I don’t know about y’all but I’m going to the waterpark today! In fact, when this Queue goes live I’ll be on my way! It may be kinda chilly outside, but I’ll be in the nice warm pool staying toasty.
I’ll ride a slide for you.
While I get ready to relax in a hot tub, it’s time for — The Queue!
The Queue: Five Years!
I’m happy to report that this is the five-year anniversary of my taking over the Queue!
It’s a little hard to believe that it’s been so long already. It feels like just yesterday that I wrote my first one. In theory, then I was just taking over briefly while Anne worked as a temporary Blizzard Historian. Of course, she’s amazing, and that turned into a full-time position — so I got stuck the privilege of writing this Queue permanently!
It’s hard to believe how many Queues I’ve written, and I haven’t gone back through and counted each of them, but roughly that’s 260 Queues! Just a mind-boggling amount of words and exclamation points!
Looking back at the first one I did, I’ve come a long way. There was an Earworm for Anna, but it hadn’t turned into a regular thing yet. You also hadn’t started to get a weekly picture of Bacardi, and since there are only 89 pictures of him in the media library, that tradition is coming up on its two-year anniversary. Who knows what my Queues will look like at my ten-year anniversary!
While I go and bother Liz about my five-year sword, it’s time for — The Queue!
The Queue: Twas the night before the night before…
And so many creatures were stirring!
Who’s got everything done already? Not this guy! There are presents to wrap and people to see and places to go and and and… I need a holiday.
I’m sure that everything will be much calmer next week.
Until then, it’s time for — The Queue!
The Queue: Something
Some days you just don’t have anything to really say. It’s the holidays, things are busy.
Here’s a picture of a Murloc Marine.
While y’all are distracted by that, it’s time for — The Queue!
The Queue: Presents!
We’re still so early into December and I think I have almost all of my Christmas shopping done! This has to be a record.
I’ve even gotten fresh wrapping paper covered in sharks in Santa hats. Everything is coming Milhouse!
While I check my shopping list again, it’s time for — The Queue!
The Queue: Unfortunately, it is Monday
Somehow, Monday has returned.
Wait, have I made that joke before? That’s the problem with Mondays — they don’t have you performing at your best. This is why I’m so sad to report that today is once again Monday. I know I know, I can’t quite believe it either.
If only science could stop working on all of those robots and cars and robot cars and focus on defeating our greatest evil, Monday.
While I try to get ahold of a top scientist in the anti-Monday field, it’s time for — The Queue!
The Queue: The Frozen Throne, and everything else really
It’s happened, snow has arrived and with it colder temperatures. Next week it’s supposed to get closer to -30 celsius than -20. Yaaaaaaaay.
It’s fine, I’ll get used to it in a little while. Until then like any man with a cold I’m gonna be super complainy about it.
While I try and find another sweater to wear, it’s time for — The Queue!