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Cory Taylor

Cory Taylor @CoryjTaylor — Cory comes from the Land of Ice and Snow, an avid Blizzard fan he's been hooked since Warcraft 2. He spends his time in Warcraft as a Guardian Druid, and out of Warcraft wishing he could spend 6 months out of the year hibernating.

The Queue: This is me now

Daylight savings time has done me in. All that’s left is a shambling husk of a person crawling out of a shallow grave.

Maybe some day I’ll get to go back to that grave. That’d be nice, I could use a good nap.

While I try and find the cool side of my pillow, it’s time for — The Queue!

The Queue: I guess my Paladin is fake

On Friday Liz showed us a picture of what a real Paladin looks like. Mine doesn’t look like that though, so I guess it must be fake! Does that mean it’s a Warrior in disguise? Three Gnolls in a suit of armor?

The answers have eluded me all weekend. What am I?!!

While I try and overcome my existential crisis, it’s time for — The Queue!

The Queue: Amirdrassil, more like Achieve-drassil, amirite?

My raid ran into the toughest boss last night, the attendance boss, so we called an audible and cleared all of the Glory of the Dream Raider achievements. There was a good batch this time, nothing that was really all on one person to execute flawlessly, and certainly, nothing that involved us getting bounced up into the air and having to collect an orb before it landed. Larodar and the Council both even gave us an extra pet for our trouble!

I will say that I’m a little sad the mount for the achievement isn’t flashier. I guess there’s something to be said for that a giant saber-toothed cat with glowy purple energy coming off of it isn’t flashy, but if it really wanted me to be super excited it should’ve had a pair of wings! I mean that’s what my dream mount would have, so why can’t this one?!

While I dream a little bigger, it’s time for — The Queue!

The Queue: I don’t know what we’re yelling about

Even World of Warcraft got in on the fun last night from the Super Bowl!

Although at this point I have no idea what is happening in the original moment and at this point I’m too afraid to ask. So until then, I guess I’m just wondering what everyone’s yelling about!

Is it lamp?

While I try and get to the bottom of this, it’s time for — The Queue!

The Queue: What an excellent owl

This is an excellent owl model. I’m very glad that I get to spend some of the time flying around looking pretty similar to it. Even if I’ll likely never get the actual fire form unlocked unless I get very lucky in a future expansion.

Maybe excellent isn’t the right word for it. I’m sure that there’s another word for this owl that is similar to excellent, but maybe starts with an s.

While I ponder that, it’s time for — The Queue!

The Queue: No one would surrender to the Dread Pirate Cory

That’s probably the biggest reason why I haven’t turned to a life of piracy on the high seas.

Also up there is a lack of a band of buccaneers including a master swordsman and a giant. Do you know how hard it is to find a pair like that? They’re one in a million for sure. Also, have you seen what the upkeep on a three-masted schooner is? I feel like every bit of booty I collected would probably just go back into the ship! Otherwise, it’d probably be crawling with rodents of above-average sizes.

While I check the balance sheets again, it’s time for — The Queue!

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