Christian Thoma
Where do you plan to go Dragonriding first when patch 10.2.5 arrives?
World of Warcraft players can select their favorite Dragonflight tier appearances and set bonuses for Season 4
The Queue: It’s been a long week
Despite the week being shorter due to the New Year’s holiday it feels like it’s been twice as long as a normal work week. I’m pretty dang tired — but when Liz asks for a sub, I’ll always find the energy to help!
No ramble in my preamble, let’s just answer questions.
The Queue: Here’s where I’d put my cute holiday picture of Marshmallow …
… if I had one!
So the whole family got matching pajamas to wear for Christmas, and Marshmallow got a bandanna that also matched. He looked super-cute in it too.
And then it disappeared. We have no idea what happened to it. At some point it was no longer around his neck, and we haven’t found it anywhere. As near as we can guess it fell off while he was outside and then blew away, but that’s just a guess. I suspect it’ll turn up in four months.
While we lament the cute picture that could’ve been, let’s answer some questions!
How did you fare with your 2023 gaming resolutions?
The Queue: Holiday Road…map
The 2024 World of Warcraft development roadmap was released yesterday for Retail and for Classic and I love how forthcoming the development team has gotten in the past year with these and other updates. That said, I want to talk about something more important: the term “roadmap.”
We all pretty much know what a roadmap is, but speaking as someone of an advanced age they used to be ubiquitous and necessary just for normal everyday driving in your neighborhood. But in this era of in-car navigation and GPS applications on your phones they’re kind of a relic from a bygone time. While not completely obsolete I’m certain that the number sold annually has plummeted dramatically in the past twenty years. Pretty soon a “roadmap” will only exist as a curiosity, and like the Save File icon the term will be a reference to something that’s no longer around.
Well enough of that, let me navigate out of this intro and answer some questions!