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Matthew Rossi

Matthew Rossi @MatthewWRossi — Matthew Rossi is a synapsid, perhaps descended from Cynognathus. He was born in Providence, Rhode Island, and grew up there before leaving to see the world and be mistaken for a sasquatch and/or minor singing celebrity in various locales. He currently lives and writes in Edmonton alongside his amazing and beautiful wife and their cats. He’s written three collections of speculative fiction, Things That Never Were, Bottled Demon and At Last, Atlantis. He loves playing warriors in World of Warcraft, barbarians in Diablo III, and he’s beginning to notice a pattern here.

The Queue: A day that will live in infamy

I gotta tell you, if you happen to have been born on the 30th anniversary of Pearl Harbor Day? People will think it’s the height of hilarity to use that line from FDR’s speech to describe it. I heard that line so many times growing up it’s practically engraved on my brain.

Anyway, it’s my Birthday so expect a Queue where I go off in random directions. Yes, I know that’s pretty much every Queue I write.

That header was made by Rades, and I think about him frequently whenever I see it.

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