Diablo 2
Which features do you like to see on game remakes? Which games would you like to see remade?
Game remakes are a trend as of late, but just how much of a game gets changed in its new version seems to vary a lot from title to title.
When does your gaming muscle memory trip you up?
One of the things that happens as you progress in playing a new game is that you grow accustomed to the control scheme and no longer have to think very hard about it.
Why (and how much) does character customization in video games matter to you?
In the original Diablo, you could just barely make out your character.
Where did Sanctuary come from?
In Diablo 4, more so than any other game in the series, the world in which the Diablo universe is set, Sanctuary, is almost a character with a full backstory and personality all its own.
Diablo 2: Resurrected Ladder Season 4 starts on May 4 — that’s tomorrow!
Ladder Season 3 Ladder of Diablo 2: Resurrected is live, and as players race to the top of the leaderboards, one important question remains: when does Ladder Season 4 start?
What are the differences between Diablo 2 and Diablo 4?
While Diablo 4 is the game we've all been waiting for since its announcement at BlizzCon 2019, it's fair to say that Diablo 2 is the game that truly put the Diablo franchise on the map.
What games do you think of as “genre defining”?
I think it's fair to say that Diablo 2 defined the Action Role Playing Game genre in a way no other game in that genre can claim.
What do you consider to be the difference between an MMO and a live-service RPG?
I've been thinking more and more about the question -- "Is Diablo 4 an MMO?" -- since I currently play World of Warcraft, am pretty heavily invested in Diablo 3, was into Diablo Immortal for a couple of months there, and was just utterly charmed by the open beta for Diablo 4.
How important are progression systems in gaming, and what’s the ideal progression system to you?
While your exact definition may differ, to me, a progression system is any system in a game that allows you to accomplish a goal and gain something that feels rewarding.
All of the Rune Words in Diablo 2 Resurrected patch 2.6
Diablo 2 Resurrected is ringing in the new year with a new 2.6 Patch and a chance to test out new Rune Words in the PTR before they hit live servers.