Know Your Lore: Warswords of the Valarjar
I love Artifacts because they allow for the telling of story in a whole new and unique way in World of Warcraft, lore that you only get to see if you play the class that gets the Artifact...
Know Your Lore: 2016 Lore in review — Overwatch
Ordinarily, I keep these year-end reviews dedicated pretty exclusively to World of Warcraft.
Know Your Lore: The fate of Maiev Shadowsong
We've talked about Maiev Shadowsong before, but we haven't really discussed her role in Legion.
Know Your Lore: World of Warcraft 2016 story in review
2017 is nearly upon us -- but before we leap into the new year, let's take a look at 2016.
Know Your Lore: Why Warcraft needs factions
Some of us (okay, me) spend a lot of time decrying the effect of the Horde vs.
Know Your Lore, Tinfoil Hat Edition: The fall of Overwatch
Who benefits from a global disaster?
Know Your Lore: Character death in World of Warcraft
It's not like the Warcraft setting is a stranger to death.
Know Your Lore: Global conspiracies and the Omnic Crisis
From the beginning, Overwatch has always appeared to have a fairly straightforward story.
Know Your Lore: What we don’t know yet about Legion
We're well into patch 7.1 and 7.1.5 will be coming soon, along with the Nighthold raid which will reveal the final fate of Illidan Stormrage.
Know Your Lore: Magic in Azeroth
The practice of magic is something that's always been in place in Warcraft.