The Warrior’s Charge: Tanking Design in the Legion beta
I'm writing this column purely from a Warrior standpoint, and purely as someone who has tanked on a Warrior and Death Knight.
Know Your Lore: Sulfuras, Hand of Ragnaros
With Legion, we'll be getting Artifact Weapons of untold power and storied histories.
BlizzCaps: There’s no deathtrap like home
"As the guild leader, I'm always thrilled with whatever Spectacular Death of Llane (US-A) can accomplish," writes submitter Gimmlette.
Arcane Sanctum: Mage legendaries and Order Hall upgrades
The weeks go by and bring us ever closer to the Legion release date.
Webcomic Wrapup: Unfriendly edition
Can’t keep up with all of the great WoW-centric (and WoW-adjacent) webcomics out there?
BlizzCaps: Not safe for work
Submitter Meenahko of Spectacular Death on Llane (US-A) writes, "I was touring my garrison today when I noticed one particular worker seemed to have taken grit and perseverance to a whole new level.
Breaking Time and Space: WoW Leveling Bonanza Episode 43
One last push in Pandaria was all that was needed on our latest leveling stream -- after tackling one last round of dungeons and picking up a new pet for Anne, everyone hit level 90.
Role Play: Wardens, Watchers and Legion roleplay
Last week we went a little more in-depth with the Demon Hunter class -- the lore and background of new Demon Hunters, what being a Demon Hunter really means, and some things to consider when creating one.
BlizzCaps: We are all made of stars
Submitter Kathandrion of Silver Hand (US-A) writes, "Algalon the Observer has apparently decided that he's heard enough out of Rhonin and decided to mute his speech once and for all.
Breakfast Topic: Have you used your Legion character boost?
If you prepurchase World of Warcraft: Legion you get one free level 100 character boost that is available to use immediately.