Legion beta patch notes
We're getting close to the Legion beta, folks!
Legion: A snapshot of World Quests
Back in April, we took a look at the World Quest feature in Legion.
Shadow Word: What Shadow Priests could borrow from Whispers of the Old Gods
Last month, Hearthstone released its latest expansion pack, Whispers of the Old Gods.
Beware of Legion beta scams
The Legion beta is about to begin which means the scammers are going to be out in force, so it's time for our regular reminder: don't fall for scams!
Lightsworn: How much change is too much change for Holy Paladins?
It's a confusing time to be a Holy Paladin.
BlizzCaps: Arcane remains
"Our brave band of guildies went Timewalking into Magister's Terrace," writes submitter Zylostout of Spectacular Death on Llane (US-A).
Zen Meditation: Brewmaster Monk artifact quest preview
Similar to previous artifact previews — check out our previews for Windwalker and Mistweaver — there will be many, many Legion story spoilers here.
Legion beta begins Thursday at 2 p.m. Pacific
During today's Legion livestream, Ion Hazzikostas announced the Legion closed beta phase will begin Thursday at 2 p.m.
BlizzCaps: There can only be one
Submitter Verita of Llane (US-A) writes, "I'm working on the achievement 'What a Long, Strange, Inter-dimensional Trip It's Been', so I've been running dungeons with Pepe ensconced, what I hope is happily, on my head.
Know Your Lore: Underutilized Warcraft characters
World of Warcraft has a host of characters, some with massive importance to the story of the game, like King Varian Wrynn or Sylvanas Windrunner, Banshee Queen of the Forsaken.