BlizzCaps: It’s payback time
"Tereza was getting ...
Legion: Marksmanship Hunters get their pet back
Marksmanship Hunters will be getting their pet back in a future alpha build, Celestalon wrote today.
Totem Talk: Why would you choose Enhancement?
I considered going over the latest set of alpha changes for Enhancement for this week's column, but I ultimately decided against it.
Latest Legion alpha build brings back Fistweaving for PVP
We've got a new Legion alpha patch, folks!
Pandaria bound: WoW livestream on Twitch at 2pm Central
We've been at this leveling thing for almost a year now, but hey -- we're making progress!
BlizzCaps: Moths to a flame
"It's all in the details," writes submitter Gimmlette.
Breakfast Topic: How many abandoned alts do you have littered on other servers?
This week brought a surprise new achievement: Fledging Hero of Warcraft.
Plaguebearer: The evolution of Death Knight mobility in Legion
In my previous Death Knight article, I outlined the functionality of mobility as a feature of gameplay in World of Warcraft.
BlizzCaps: Baby on board
"Is it normal to carry a baby like this?" asks submitter Valexion.
Lightsworn: Holy Paladin updates and the problem with Light of the Martyr
I think we're slowly starting to get a clearer picture of the intended role for Holy Paladins in Legion.