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The Queue: Reach for the Sky

Dear Blizzard,

Why not add Skyreach as a choice on the same node as Rushing Reflexes at the bottom of the Monk talent tree?

I don’t mean the critical strike component, by the way — remove that. Make Skyreach an ability that’s all about dashing players to their next target, and nothing else. Rushing Reflexes, which is being added to the game, seems to serve the exact same purpose anyway — but based on the testing we’ve done so far, it gives you nowhere near the same sense of control about picking and approaching your intended target.


a Monk player who finds Skyreach an extremely fun and useful ability, and sees no reason why it can’t be optional for those who enjoy it — rather than outright removed. (Trying to put the cat back in the bag feels awful for everyone involved: you, the cat, the person who’ll have to treat your infected scratches later, everyone.)

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