Search Results For: Artifact Weapon
Know Your Lore: Shaman Artifact lore in Legion
Shaman Artifact lore is pretty fascinating so far -- let's talk about the masters of the elements.
Know Your Lore: Priest Artifact lore in Legion
Rossi's been going over some of the new lore regarding the Artifact weapon reveals for Legion, and I'm going to jump into the fray as well, because there is a lot of material hidden among all those little introductory paragraphs we got for our new weapons.
Know Your Lore: Paladin Artifact lore in Legion
When talking about the Artifact weapons of Legion and the lore that's being revealed for them, Paladin Artifacts are some of the most interesting, touching upon the origin of the Order of the Silver Hand and the fate of Watcher Tyr, the missing Watcher from Ulduar.
Know Your Lore: Warrior Artifact lore in Legion
There was a lot of lore revealed via the Artifact descriptions on the official site, and as we go into Legion we're apparently not just going to learn about the Burning Legion and the Broken Isles but about the past and the history of many different parts of the world of Azeroth.
Blood Pact: Warlock artifacts, champions, and class halls
When the Legion news hit the scene last month, I observed something interesting from my experiment with some Metamorphosis outrage.
The Warrior’s Charge: The case for Titan’s Grip and Artifacts
Spiritual Guidance: The conundrum of Class Halls and Artifacts
Recently, Legion descended upon us and the Priest community has been abuzz with speculation.
Totem Talk: Why Doomhammer is an awful Enhancement Artifact
So Legion is a thing, and we're all going to be talking about that for a while, aren't we?
Lightsworn: Analyzing datamined Protection Paladin changes in Legion
It begins! The alpha client is being delved by intrepid dataminers, each lowered down into the depths of the code in rickety buckets, armed with a pickaxe and a headlamp, so that they can chip away at obfuscation and return with gold nuggets of much anticipated information. This is easily one of the most exciting points in the expansion cycle because the possibilities seem so endless. So far the spell changes and talents have been revealed for Protection Paladins, though not yet the artifact weapon talents. Even without a deeper look at the preliminary benefits attached to our artifact sword and board, there is still a whole lode of information that we can pore over. Let’s jump right in and see what’s in store for us so far.
Here’s what you missed last time on World of Warcraft
Prior to the imminent release of The War Within, the World of Warcraft team released a short cinematic to catch you up on the lore of the last few expansions which led us up to here.