Search Results For: Earthen Ring
Totem Talk: Return of the Grimtotem
Greetings fellow totem family, and welcome back to Totem Talk.
Totem Talk: Year’s end reflections
We're coming to the end of the year and it's a good time to take stock of what's come and gone.
Role Play: Shaman roleplay in Legion
Everything that is, is alive.
Role Play: Artifact weapons, Class Halls, and titles in roleplay
Legion introduced a vast change in the leveling experience.
BlizzCaps: Overly dramatic weather
"My main, a Blood Elf Priest, happened to levitate off a large building in a Vyrkul settlement in Stormheim and landed on a lamp post," writes submitter Enoreth of Maximum Pwnage on Earthen Ring (US-H).
BlizzCaps: The age of aquariums
Submitter Rann of Earthen Ring (US-A) writes, "While exploring Dalaran over Karazhan, my friend noticed this NPC stuck in the wall, in the aquarium, named just 'Mysterious Legs.' Poor guy ...
BlizzCaps: A moment of calm
We're just a bit over halfway through 2016, and it has been ...
BlizzCaps: The odd one out
Submitter Rann of Earthen Ring (US-A) was participating in a roleplaying event when he came upon the strangest of sights -- a single ice elemental stranded in the Firelands.
BlizzCaps: The end of all things
Today's submitter writes, "As a bank alt, Geherada of Earthen Ring (US-A) was more 'aware' than the others.
Totem Talk: Legion’s Restoration Shaman Artifact Scenario
Last time we talked, I gushed about our new class order hall.