Awesome Games Done Quick
Awesome Games Done Quick 2025 ends today! Here are just a few of the must-see runs — plus links to everything you missed
It’s time for Awesome Games Done Quick 2023, and these are just a few of the runs you don’t want to miss!
Here are some heckin’ handsome hedgehogs for your happiness
The Queue: It’s speedrun week again
Hello and happy Thursday, friends! As is tradition, I’m going to be leading off this Queue with a reminder that we have a few days left of Awesome Games Done Quick 2022, and if you haven’t checked it out, you should do so! Anna W. and I even wrote a piece on our favorite runs! It’s rad, wholesome, and it raises a lot of money for a good cause.
I won’t dwell on AGDQ here, though — we’re here to Queue.
Awesome Games Done Quick 2022 is live now, and these are (a few of) the runs you don’t want to miss
The Queue: SGDQueue
I realize there’s a whole h*ckin’ lot of stuff happening in the WoWverse right now, but also… It’s my favorite time of the year! Summer Games Done Quick is currently underway, and while we’re a little over halfway through, there’s still plenty on deck to love. Tomorrow and Saturday in particular have some top picks like Fire Emblem Three Houses, Breath of the Wild, and Mario 64 — but I’d suggest checking out the entire schedule for your personal favorites and tuning in. Even if you’ve never seen a speedrun, I bet you’ll have a good time (and you’ll be supporting a good cause!)
Anyhow, I could talk about GDQ forever. But this is The Queue, and it’s time to Queue things.
(As a note: The first two questions talk around the latest cinematic. Nothing is explicitly spoiled, but please do be careful if you’d like to go into the raid 100% blind!)