Diablo 3 Season 4 turns the tables on metagame and class popularity
Analysis of Diablo 3 Season 4 started as early as a month in with a piechart graphic from Monstrous, a Diablo 3 forum MVP, that tracked class popularity in the leaderboards in 4-player, 3-player, 2-player, and solo groups across all seasons, using data from DiabloRank.
Breakfast Topic: Alternate History
No, I'm not talking about Draenor this time.
Know Your Lore: Bul-Kathos and Diablo’s Barbarians
The barbarians of Sanctuary are called this by those who do not understand them or their ancient culture, which was a casualty of the schemes of Baal and the actions of Tyrael. In destroying the Worldstone, they destroyed Mount Arreat and with it the very vigil that the barbarians maintained for countless eons.
Pick a Diablo 3 class to play
Last week, we talked about the various game modes you can play, but come on, what good is all that if you haven't picked a character to play yet? Which Diablo 3 class should you play -- and what makes them any different from the classes you find in WoW?
Fun with Diablo III: My Spinning Ballerina of Death Barbarian Build
Of course I would. And one of the things I've learned in playing D3 with my wife is, ranged players will get you killed. No, really. They don't pay attention to the battlefield, they gleefully drag you face first through every pack in existence, it is a constant series of terrifying moments playing with one of them.