Content Drought
How long is too long between patches?
I've written on this subject before, of course -- back in 2015, for example, and boy howdy that was six years ago -- but seeing Reddit user cptshooter put together a timeline of every WoW expansion going back to vanilla showing when each patch dropped shows us that in Shadowlands we're likely going to be sitting through one of the longer gaps between major patches in World of Warcraft history.
When will WoW patch 8.3.5 be released?
If you're wondering when we'll get patch 8.3.5 in World of Warcraft, the answer is that as of right now, there isn't one planned.
🔒 Legion’s fast-paced patch cycle and the grind that never ends
Legion has been unprecedented in the amount of content put out, a direct response to the negative experience in the previous expansion.
Are WoW’s patches coming too quickly?
To keep the game interesting, World of Warcraft needs to keep the content coming.
Expansions, cycles, and player interest in WoW
There are players out there right now who are done playing Legion.
How WoW’s guilds can survive until Legion’s August 30 launch
On Monday, Blizzard revealed that Legion's release date will be August 30.