Breakfast Topic: What just won’t stick?
In the vast game that is WoW, there are some pieces of information which just don't stick in my brain -- questions I find myself asking over and over again.
Breakfast Topics: New professions
During last week's Legion developer Q&A with Paul Kubit, he mentioned the developers were open to the possibility of new professions in the future.
Breakfast Topic: Loot wars
There are only two types of people in the world: those who use auto-loot and those who don't.
Brunch Topic: The long weekend
Today, we replace your usual Breakfast Topic with a Brunch Topic and pretend it was totally intentional because we definitely did not oversleep due to it being a holiday here in the United States.
Breakfast Topic: Would you rather not get into beta?
A couple of weeks ago, we asked how closely all of you follow betas -- in short, whether or not you liked hearing about beta news.
Breakfast Topic: Character regrets
Back in Mists of Pandaria, I wanted to roll a Pandaren.
Breakfast Topic: Were you gaming 20 years ago?
Warcraft II: Beyond the Dark Portal released back in December of 1995.
Breakfast Topic: How many Blizzard games do you play?
For a long time, I was a holdout that played a single Blizzard game: World of Warcraft.