Flower Crowns
Don’t forget! You can get permanent transmog flower crowns from the Lunar Festival holiday, now live
In real life, flowers aren't permanent, but in the Lunar Festival event in WoW, the flower crowns are permanent and transmoggable all year-round.
What else should be available to transmog?
Blizzard is caving to popular demand and making the flower crowns a permanent transmog option.
Everything there is to know about patch 8.2.5, out now!
Patch 8.2.5 is just about here and will be released with this coming week's reset.
What do you wish you could transmog?
The Lunar Festival is over -- which means no more pretty flower crown for my Nightborne.
Are you participating in the Lunar Festival?
I didn't actually intend to start gathering Coins of Ancestry, it just...happened.