Forged In The Barrens
How to use Shadow Hunter Vol’jin in Hearthstone
Everyone got it for free, and it's such a versatile card that it might find itself in a multitude of decks.
The biggest announcements to come out of BlizzConline
BlizzConline was not exactly like your usual BlizzCon, but despite being a completely online event with no audience presence, it was still chock-full of juicy new information for most major Blizzard franchises -- and even some unexpected minor ones.
Enjoy some gorgeous art from Hearthstone’s BlizzConline card reveals
Enjoy a collection of artwork for select Hearthstone cards from the Forged in the Barrens expansion and the newly announced Core set!
Forged in the Barrens is the first expansion in the Year of Gryphon! BlizzConline showed us enough cards to smother a Quilboar
Hearthstone's Year of Gryphon is kicking off with the Horde-themed Forged in the Barrens expansion.