Gold Selling
Blizzard shuts down the Gallywix boosting community for terms of service violations
The Gallywix community was a large organization of people who would carry players through high-level dungeon runs, raids, and PVP in exchange for Warcraft gold.
Gold sellers have definitely returned for WoW Classic
The return of WoW Classic means the return of an economy where gold means a lot more than it does in the current version of the game.
Gold sellers take advantage of loophole in Blizz tech to update their advertising methods in WoW Classic
We sort of take gold sellers for granted.
WoW Classic’s removal of skeleton messages neglects the original experience
WoW Classic will do a lot to remain faithful to the original game, but skeletons won't be one of them.
WoW currency is worth more than Venezuelan currency
A fictional video game currency is currently worth more than the currency of a real country.
Has the WoW Token killed off illegitimate gold sellers?
The A.V.