Hearthstone Expansions
All the cards from Hearthstone Descent of Dragons (so far)
We don't know every card from Hearthstone's latest expansion yet, but these are all of the cards we've seen so far.
Year of the Dragon is coming to a close, so just what is the next Hearthstone expansion?
Update: We finally know what the third expansion fo the year is, and it's dragons.
Noir cities, plunderers of ancient tombs, and crazy Kobold kings that should come to WoW from Hearthstone
Hearthstone uses the Warcraft setting as a staging ground for exploration, and one of the best things about it is how it's unafraid to take huge leaps from that setting and introduce new ideas and new characters.
Everything you need to know about Hearthstone’s Rise of Shadows expansion as it releases today
Hearthstone's Rise of Shadows, the first expansion in the Year of the Dragon, releases today roughly two hours after this post goes live -- that's Queue o'clock, for you Blizzard Watchers.
Hearthstone’s The Witchwood expansion is out today!
Hold onto your butts.
Hearthstone’s Knights of the Frozen Throne releases August 10
The next expansion in Hearthstone, Knights of the Frozen Throne, will release next Thursday on August 10.
Old Hearthstone Expansions and Adventures returning to the store
As Blizzard has rotated cards out of Hearthstone's Standard gameplay mode, those cards have disappeared from the game's store, too — which can make it tough for anyone wanting to experience the Adventures or build their collection of Wild cards.