Hearthstone Lore
Who is Reno Jackson? The story of Hearthstone’s famed explorer (who has a big secret)
There are many characters who cross over from Hearthstone lore into World of Warcraft, and whose stories players of either game might not be all that familiar with.
How would you feel about a Hearthstone-based WoW expansion?
Heartstone has done some fun things with Warcraft lore over the years -- evil supervillains banding together, a big Draconic dust-up, Mean Streets of Gadgetzan -- and none of it is in World of Warcraft, which I think is a crying shame.
Hearthstone released three issues of Dr. Boom comics — but are they canon World of Warcraft lore?
Hearthstone just wrapped up a three-issue comic series in conjunction with the launch of The Boomsday Project, its latest expansion.