Junker Queen
What is your favorite Overwatch cinematic?
Four days ago, the Overwatch team unveiled the cinematic for their newest character, Kiriko.
All the new skins in Overwatch 2
Overwatch 2 is releasing with several new base skins for the old heroes, in addition to some exciting new ones available in the Battle Pass and the Watchpoint Pack.
How does Junker Queen fit into the Overwatch 2 tank lineup?
Tank players have a lot of change coming when Overwatch 2 officially launches, and one of the best changes is the addition of the new hero, Junker Queen.
Overwatch 2 adds Seasons, with a new hero or map every nine weeks
New content has been scarce in Overwatch 1, so Overwatch 2 is coming out of the gate with big promises for a steady schedule of content releases.
What we’d like to see if Junker Queen joins Overwatch as Hero 32
Overwatch players have long-awaited the arrival of the Junker Queen a new playable hero, and she'd be a great pick for Hero 32.
What I, your friend who is terrible at Overwatch, want to see in Overwatch 2
Okay, I love Overwatch -- I love the setting, the characters, the lore, and the hints at a deeper, broader story just percolating beneath the surface.
This Junker Queen fan concept proves that Overwatch still needs her to be a hero
A lot of people have given up hope that the Junker Queen will become a playable hero in Overwatch, but not artist Gong Ill.