Epic Games Store’s free game this week is Jurassic World Evolution 2
When Michael Crichton initially wrote Jurassic Park as a modern allegory for the ethical quandary and potential implications of the overreach of science in re-creating extinct creatures, I doubt he thought that 35 years later the prevailing cultural thought would be "sad for them, but I'm built different." Jurassic World Evolution 2 Release Date: November 9, 2021 Game Type: Strategy, Management Sim POV: 3rd person Party: Single player DLC: Includes an upgrade to the base game, the Dominion Biosyn and Dominion Malta expansions, plus multiple smaller DLC packs.
How to defeat Kael’thas Sunstrider in Hearthstone’s new Jaina-themed adventure
Hearthstone has just released the first episode of Book of Heroes, a new (free!) single-player adventure featuring our favorite mage: Jaina Proudmoore.
How to beat Cenarius in Hearthstone’s Ashes of Outland Prologue
So you've decided to try the Ashes of Outland prologue that was just released for Hearthstone.
Officers’ Quarters: Is your raid team prepared?
As we zone in to Legion's raids later this month, we'll have a lot of new bosses and mechanics to learn.