Totem Talk: Enhancement Shaman changes in the latest alpha build
I admit without shame that there's a certain degree of terror every time I see Enhancement Shaman highlighted for major changes.
Encrypted Text: Eight Rogue talents to hug (or stab) goodbye before Legion
Some of us see the poison vial as half full.
Totem Talk: Enhancement Shaman PVP talents in Legion
Alas, Shaman still isn't in the current alpha build of Legion, and considering the timetable we're working with it's unlikely that it will be in before the holiday break rolls around.
How cookie cutter builds can encourage negative player behavior
The ultimate goal of guides, theorycrafting, and easily accessible cookie cutter builds are to help people play better.
How cookie cutter builds discourage player customization
The World of Warcraft theorycrafting community is incredible.
Lightsworn: Holy Paladin talents in Legion
As players are eagerly hopping onto the Legion servers to check things out, community dataminers have been hard at work digging up the dirt on our new spells and abilities.
Totem Talk: A peek at datamined Enhancement talents
Hooray, people are playing the Legion alpha!
No more reagents to swap talents in Legion
Tomes of the Clear Mind?
BlizzCon 2015: Hundreds of new talents in Legion
We knew that there was a major effort to make classes more distinct in Legion, and at the systems panel Kris Zierhut, Lead Class Designer, revealed that they were entirely revamping the way talents worked, to the point where there's more options, and more talents specific to the class.
Totem Talk: A love letter to Echo of the Elements
Echo of the Elements is a really simple, kind of silly, and rather lackluster talent.