Know Your Lore: What future for the Kaldorei?
The Kaldorei, or Children of the Stars in their native language, are the Night Elves.
Know Your Lore: Teldrassil, Crown of the Earth
While we're waiting for servers to come back, why not enjoy this encore presentation of a pretty relevant Know Your Lore?
Battle for Azeroth broadcast text hints at Queen Azshara’s unseen hand in events
As is always the case, Wowhead has datamined up a new host of broadcast text from Battle for Azeroth's alpha that goes into detail about quite a lot.
Battle for Azeroth alpha spoilers shed light on the fate of Teldrassil and more
The thing about alpha tests is that news can come at you pretty fast, and that's especially true when it comes to these datamined broadcast text spoilers that Wowhead has dug up.
Datamined Battle for Azeroth spoilers discuss Alliance and Horde hostility
Before we get rolling, the standard caveats: this is all datamined information from the folks at Wowhead, nothing is set in stone, nothing is live yet.
The fate of Teldrassil in Battle for Azeroth
At this year's BlizzCon, one of the most shocking images for me was the one above of a burning Teldrassil.
Battle for Azeroth: Teldrassil burning gallery
What quests do you refuse to do?
I still remember like it was yesterday.
Know Your Lore: The World Trees of Azeroth
Scattered around Azeroth are a handful of massive, awe-inspiring trees that dwarf the world around them.