How do you feel about needing Zidormi to change a zone’s timeline?
The other day, I was out and about collecting Coins of Ancestry from Elders for the new dragon pieces.
Know Your Lore: Katherine Proudmoore
Not many heads of state in Azeroth have been married to their predecessors, much less held the position themselves for over a decade before seeing it passed on.
Know Your Lore: Jaina Proudmoore’s journey
Jaina Proudmoore has always been her father’s daughter by blood, if not by beliefs.
What do you think about major changes to the in-game world?
When Theramore became a purple nightmare crater, a lot of players were unhappy.
Know Your Lore: The Alliance at the beginning of World of Warcraft
This Know Your Lore is a little bit different.
Know Your Lore: The origins of Cairne Bloodhoof
He's been dead since Cataclysm, but his life saw his people move from a nomadic existence in perpetual war against the marauding centaur to a part of the Horde, settled in Thunder Bluff and at last capable of securing their own future.