Tirisfal Glades
You can now explore Tirisfal Glades in Baldur’s Gate 3
In perhaps the most epic game crossover since Sylvanas came to Overwatch 2, a mad genius named SquallyDaBeanz has blended World of Warcraft with Baldur's Gate 3 in a new custom campaign set in Tirisfal Glades.
How would you fix all of Deathwing’s damage to Azeroth, and which zone(s) do you want to see updated most?
World of Warcraft has existed in a post-Cataclysm world for longer now than it did in a pristine world, untouched by Deathwing.
WoW Classic Gallery: Tirisfal Glades as it was in vanilla WoW
While we wait for WoW Classic, let's take a trip down memory lane with this look back at Tirisfal Glades.
How do you feel about needing Zidormi to change a zone’s timeline?
The other day, I was out and about collecting Coins of Ancestry from Elders for the new dragon pieces.
Battle for Azeroth Gallery: Lordaeron Ruins
Know Your Lore: The Founding of Quel’Thalas and the enmity of Trolls
We've talked about the origins of the High Elves in their Highborne ancestors, and the Shen'dralar of Eldre'Thalas and their history.
Know Your Lore: King Thoradin of Arathor and Humanity’s origin
Humanity in the world of Azeroth is at once an old and young race.