Celebrate Diablo’s anniversary with the annual Darkening of Tristram event in Diablo 3
Though one can purchase the original Diablo from, Blizzard annually indulges our nostalgia for this classic with the Darkening of Tristram event in Diablo 3, letting us chase down cultists and venture into vision of Tristram's past.
What is your favorite piece of music from a Blizzard game?
Music in video games is a subject that I absolutely love and could discuss for hours and hours -- and Blizzard games are, obviously, part of that equation as well.
Catch up on Diablo lore with our rundown of the many horrors of Sanctuary
There's both Diablo Immortal and Diablo 4 guaranteed on the horizon, with a potential revisiting of Diablo 2's story in a remastered (nay, Resurrected?) version.