Unearthed Arcana
D&D’s newest playtest materials offer revamped and new Forgotten Realms subclasses
With the recent release of D&D's 2024 edition, the number of subclasses natively available to the newest edition of the game was cut down to four per class.
The latest One D&D playtest introduces changes to how weapons work, including new Weapon Mastery
The latest One D&D playtest document has a host of changes to how weapons are going to work in the game's next version, which is slated to come out next year to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Dungeons and Dragons.
Paladins get a glowup in latest One D&D playtest
Alongside the previous look at the Cleric and the fresh new look at the Druid, the newest One D&D playtest material also focuses on another iconic class, the Paladin.
One D&D playtest material completely reshapes the Druid
Now that we've all had a chance to absorb the results of January's Open Gaming License controversy, Wizards of the Coast has released a new round of playtest material for the upcoming One D&D.
One D&D playtest focuses on streamlining the popular Cleric class
The most recent Unearthed Arcana revises the Cleric, the iconic D&D support class, for the upcoming One D&D.
One D&D playtest revision changes Aardlings, Dragonborn, and Goliaths Species (including how we’re not calling them Races anymore)
A big chunk of the latest One D&D playtest gameplay changes are to the Aardling, Dragonborn, and Goliath, which are emphatically not Races -- because One D&D has also officially done away with the Race designation in favor of the Species label.
The One D&D Playtest continues with Expert Classes, giving us a preview of Bards, Rangers and Rogues
Released in the familiar Unearthed Arcana format, the Expert Classes playtest document for One D&D presents changes to the entire structure of classes in the game with the creation of Class Groups.
The next iteration of D&D will have its own VTT digital play experience — but we still have a lot of questions
The next edition of D&D is codenamed One D&D, and with it Wizards of the Coast intends to give players the full game experience online with a 3d virtual tabletop (VTT) system including custom miniatures, sets, and an interactive environment.
D&D’s new Fate Domain Clerics, now in playtesting, can bend fate and twist wills
In D&D, subclasses are some of the most powerful and interesting choices any character class can make — and they're especially powerful for Clerics, who can choose their subclass, known as a "Domain," at level 1.
Wonders of the Multiverse D&D Unearthed Arcana adds the robotic Glitchling race and Fate Domain Clerics
D&D's Unearthed Arcana playtest content has been showing us all sorts of new ideas for Dungeons and Dragons 5e, from the power of primordial giants to the cosmic reaches of the Astral Plane to the world of Krynn, home of the Dragonlance campaign setting.